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Re: [leshan-dev] Leshan demo in Docker

Hi Kai,

On 01/19/2017 03:41 PM, Hudalla Kai (INST/ESY1) wrote:
Hi Hiroshi,

you have created some pretty clever scripts and I like the use of Docker Compose
to fire up the servers :-)

Thanks :)

IMHO you will very soon run into memory problems when scaling out the number of
devices since every single one of them will consume a separate JVM's worth of
heap. I guess a better approach would be to create a dedicated "test driver" that
can simulate multiple (dozens?, hundreds?) devices from within a single process

Yes, you get the quite good point.

I'm planning to deploy this on Cloud environment(Azure) with many VMs in
Docker Swarm(2.0) mode. As you pointed out, still the duplication of
JVMs would be some unnecessary overhead. To workaround, probably I could

(0) more VMs
(1) more smaller LWM2M client instead of leshan demo client
(2) A single container populates multiple leshan demo clients so that
    JVM can be shared with them, right? But this spwans multiple
(3) Your "test driver"? Can you explain a little bit more?

I'm targetting from ~1,000 to ~100,000 clients to be populated
eventually. Probably we'll hit the limit of Leshan servers, then we'll
try Leshan cluster servers for this measurement.

Any comment would be really apprecaied.

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