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[leshan-dev] LeshanClientExample

Hi all
I'm new to Leshan and I'm trying to follow the first very basic step of the leshan readme.

I was able to compile/start a stanalone leshan server.
But I got an issue with the client-example:

the following command
java -jar target/leshan-client-example-*-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar localhost 9000 localhost 5683
result in a :

Erreur : impossible de trouver ou charger la classe principale leshan.client.example.LeshanClientExample

the jar-with-deps META-INF/MANIFEST.MF includes the following entry point:

Main-Class: leshan.client.example.LeshanClientExample

This class is not in the same jar and is called :

Could you please fix this issue ? should I open an issue on github ?
Brice Vandeputte

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