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[iot-wg] CoAP and CGN

First of all, congratulations to all people involved in Californium for the new release! I’m very excited about it and I took the opportunity to dig deeper into CoAP recently.

There is one thing I don’t understand about CoAP and Carrier-Grade-Networks (CGN). Let’s say there is a Californium cloud deployment, which serves mobile clients. How would CoAP (which uses UDP by default if I’m not mistaken) work with CGNs? Would it be possible to traverse CGNs? Device -> Californium is obviously not a problem, but I can’t wrap my head around how the Californium -> Device way would work, since UDP hole punching seems not to be a working and reliable option with CGNs.

Are there any experiences with that? My understanding is, that if CoAP is used with IPv6, there wouldn’t be a problem. I didn’t find any good resources on that topic, so I would be glad if someone could clarify the current state with CoAP and mobile networks.


Dominik Obermaier
dc-square GmbH - Software Solutions
Innere Münchener Straße 30
84036 Landshut

Tel. +49 871 - 97506300
Fax. +49 871 - 97506329

Geschäftsführer Christian Götz, Dominik Obermaier
Registergericht Landshut, HRB 8906
USt.ID: DE283445184

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