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Re: [iot-wg] Please review the new website

Interesting discussion and I think it is something we should continue. 

However, I would like make sure people realize that most of this content is already on the existing web site.  This is something we have already been doing.  I don't mind changing but I wanted to make sure people realize this is something the WG has discussed and agreed too.

Given that, I do think it is important the IoT WG and web site presents some type of cohesive story, more than just a listing of projects. This is similar to Thierry's comment. When we first started it was just a listing of projects and the potential users were getting lost.

We also had a meeting at EclipseCon where a subset of the WG began discussing an IoT platform. These discussions will certainly lead to some type of architecture. It is still very early days but I do think there is interest in the WG to have this type of discussion.

I do think Kai's point is valid that there are many diverse requirements and approaches. When I talk about about Eclipse IoT, I stress that we are set of building blocks and that needs to be an important part of the message. I don't believe anyone, including Eclipse IoT, will be able to define the 'one' architecture or solution for IoT. 

Again, thank you for the feedback and comments. This is exactly the discussion I would like to see in the WG.


On 27/03/2015 11:11 AM, Kai Kreuzer wrote:
I tend to agree with Julien on this.
I hear more and more (outside) people talking about „Eclipse IoT“ as a project / approach on its own, which obviously refers to the „Java IoT stack“ - but this is only a part of what Eclipse IoT is. We definitely should not aim at defining a common vision or architecture, because the needs out there are to diverse. Our strong point is that we simply offer many projects to choose from.
Besides this, I would rather count Eclipse SmartHome a framework for IoT gateways than an industry service.
So in summary, I would also vote for removing the frameworks page and rather concentrate on the infrastructure, the open collaboration model, the licenses and the IP policy.


Am 27 Mar 2015 um 16:02 schrieb Julien Vermillard <jvermillard@xxxxxxxxx>:

The relation between the projects in open-source foundation are, usually, the infrastructure, the open collaboration model, the licenses, the IP policy which is already a lot (c.f.
But nothing on the architectural/technical. Maybe we can, but it would mean we need to find a consensus inside the IoT WG.


On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 3:29 PM Thierry Monteil <monteil@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks for this new website.

> Le 27 mars 2015 à 15:17, Julien Vermillard <jvermillard@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
> Hi,
> The new look is awesome! Can we copy it for project website? O:-)
> For the content, I would remove this page:

I think it is important to help people to understand the relation between all the projets a good way is to
give a scheme even if it could be perfectible  so i will keep this page.


Thierry Monteil
Associate professor - HDR
- research:  LAAS-CNRS 7 avenue du Colonel Roche 31077 Toulouse
  +33 (0)5 61 33 7852, monteil@xxxxxxx
- teaching: Electrical and Computer Engineering, INSA 135 avenue de Rangueil 31077 Toulouse
  +33 (0)5 61 55 9821, monteil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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