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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] Initial discussion on the 'modelled' workbench UI

The need for a model engine implementation that is more robust than 'ModelElement' is obvious. I share Ed's view that not having one will eventually lead to the less robust one being worked on until we finally realize that we should have started with a real one (I call this 'reinventing the flat tire' because the result is always worse that some other 'real' wheel...;-).

EMF is, of course, the first place to look but everything else is secondary here to ensuring that we make the correct technology choice first time. It certainly has one of the main prerequisites to any answer; a community that's willing to pitch in and make it happen!!

That being said there was some valid feedback when I was selling this story at EclipseCon and brought up using EMF as the base. It basically boils down to:

1) What's the overhead?

Ed's comment "Using EMF models would be a boon because they would directly enable a rapidly growing stack of modeling technology." is (to me) somewhat scary because most of our clients don't want a 'rapidly growing' anything, they want a rapidly -shrinking- platform (thus e4). The general fear is that EMF may already suffer from the 'bloat' and intra-package dependencies that we're trying to eliminate in the platform.

If we're anticipating having the model as a 'first class' concept then we're talking about placing it much nearer to the eclipse 'core' (equinox?). At this level size counts!! At minimum I'd expect that JFace would depend on it so we can provide 'modelled' JFace viewers, etc. Right now someone can simply get JFace/SWT and some GUI much extra footprint would be needed to support EMF?

2) Can it mimic the current API?  < OK, this one's mine >

This is not because I'm married to the current implementation but because the API is small and simple to understand (meaning broader acceptance generally). Exact matches aren't a requirement but I think that KISS counts here...

It's also 'open' in the sense that it's possible to add new properties into an object 'on the fly'. We're going to need this because in at least some cases (i.e. CSS management) we'll be 'importing' an external model of 'undefined shape' as well as likely being needed for the general scripting support.

I'd be happy to be involved in helping out on the investigations as well since I'm a true 'model driven GUI' zealot (ask anyone here!) and, to me, that means "Model comes first!!" because it's the foundation for -all- the other work.

It's great to have the discussions underway!!

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