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Re: [4diac-dev] Handling of user defined variable names during export


for testing the smaller fragments, there are some function Blocks for this from what I understood. In the examples repository, there is a folder called "testefbforcodegenerator" with many FBs for IF, FOR, WHILE and so on. I'd say what's needed is:
1 -Create a 4diac application with all these FBs and all possible cases (IF with 1, 2 and more conditions for example) and use the TEST_CONDITION FB to check the results.
2- Export the bootfile for this application and add the system_test for forte
3- Export all the FBs using the code generator (lua, NG or any actually)
4- Compile forte with tests and run them. 

The 4diac application will remain the same, and when changes are done on the exporter, only exporting and recompilation is needed (for LUA only deployment will be needed). The application must only be updated when a bug in the exporter is found that is not covered by the application. 


Jose Cabral

fortiss · Landesforschungsinstitut des Freistaats Bayern
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> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: 4diac-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <4diac-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> Im
> Auftrag von Jörg Walter
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 5. Februar 2020 09:22
> An: 4diac-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Betreff: Re: [4diac-dev] Handling of user defined variable names during export
> On 05.02.20 09:04, Alois Zoitl wrote:
> > On Mon, 2020-02-03 at 08:35 +0000, Martin Melik-Merkumians wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> regarding the tests for the exporter, you usually just check if the exported
> code is as expected. This could be then coupled in an integration test, where the
> test FBs will get exported and built with FORTE.
> > However then I think we would need also some kind of FB unit test.
> >
> > Another option I have seen somewhere is to just export fragments
> > (e.g., a for loop, an if, an ECC State) and check if the result is as expected. Not
> sure if this is possible and valid here.
> How about using plain LUA (not LUA-enabled FORTE) as an optional build
> dependency, and if available use it to syntax-check the exported code?
> That should already catch an important class of errors.
> Functional testing of FBs will always need a full FORTE build, this is just like every
> other kind of function block. I would not regard this as an omission on the LUA
> side but as a separate, overall issue.
> Regards,
> --
> Dipl.-Inform. Jörg Walter
> Senior Researcher
> R&D Group Distributed Computation and Communication
> OFFIS e.V. - Institut für Informatik
> FuE Bereich Produktion | R&D Division Manufacturing Escherweg 2, 26121
> Oldenburg - Germany
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> E-Mail:
> URL:
> Registergericht: Amtsgericht Oldenburg VR 1956
> Vorstand: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang H. Nebel (Vorsitzender),
>      Prof. Dr. techn. Susanne Boll-Westermann, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Hahn,
>      Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Hein, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lehnhoff
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