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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] Migrate incubator projects to Git?

Comments in line.

On 06/03/2010 12:13 PM, David M Williams wrote:

I think this is a great idea with one general word of advice, and one cautionary question.

In general, plan out what your "retreat" or back out plan might be. e..g what if you try it for
a month or two and find that you just can't get your work done, then what would happen?
I assume you could move back to cvs? (I'm just saying this should be known before hand,
not that its likely to happen).

yeah, we would move back to CVS.  Everybody would need to make sure that every bug was tracked in bugzilla for a history of what was fixed during that time period.   Something that they should be doing anyways.

A specific question, though, about builds. I think this will imply you follow a particular
system for builds ... right?  As long as you all build on hudson with what ever system you want,
that's fine and up to you. But, thinking ahead, if you wanted to graduate and then be built along
with the rest of WTP, someone will have to step up and figure out how to do that. I'm sure
there's multiple solutions ... I'm just cautioning that I won't know how to "fit it in" to a
WTP build.
Yeah, I think for now that a maven/tycho build will be used.   Maven/Tycho support a Manifest first approach to the build.   We'll have to figure out the Map file situation, if we are still planning to be within the WTP build infrastructure.   I think this would also be a good place and way for the WTP Releng Build to see what would need to be done as well to work with Git.   There is a proposed Git Fetch Factory attached to:

So that could be used within MAP files for those build systems still dependent on the basebuilder way of doing things.

I'm willing to help with figuring out the best way to handle promotions of particular builds.  We would use Hudson to run the builds.  As for graduation, we can address that as the time comes.  One way is to just take a snapshot of the code that will be moved...but hopefully we can do this more easily as other projects migrate to git for there repos.

It is a great idea. I'll look forward to hearing what you all think about the tools.

I'll open a bug with the Web Masters then to setup the initial migration to git for the WTP incubator.

We should plan to track findings on the WTP Releng Wiki pages as we go, and document any best practices we come up with.

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