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[wtp-incubator-dev] More on XSL Graduation ...

Just to bring everyone up the the same level of knowledge as myself (little as that is :) ...

I have learned that the first step in "graduating" the XSL components into the Source Editing project is to make sure the IP Log is in order, and everything "all clear" from an IP point of view, and it's "approved" by the Eclipse Foundation's IP Staff. And, only after that is done, is the actual graduation scheduled and other materials provided.

Normally, this is semi-automatic, using the automatic IP Log, but in our case, that log includes everything in WTP Incubator, not just XSL. So ... we'll have to do a "manual" one.

I think this won't be too hard, since we can, to some degree, use the automatic IP Log and just take out stuff that doesn't apply to XSL. I think we should do this as a document on our website (not wiki) and in Open Document Format, since at some point we need to "freeze it" (e.g. in PDF format) to provide to the Eclipse Foundation for long term records. I'll be able to start work on this next week (if no one else volunteers), but if anyone wants to take a look at our starting point, here's the URL to the automatic IP Log:


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