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[wtp-incubator-dev] NodeSets in XSL Debug should have variables

I was looking through the XSL Debugger, looking to enhance the way it
handles Nodesets.   Currently, these just display the class name for the
Nodeset, when it should act like how a Java class object is handled.   I
noticed that the IValue implementation for XSLValue always returns a
false for has children.

Also, the getValue() is always returning a String value.  So the
question mainly for Doug is what do we need to do to allow the XSL
Debugger to return the actual object back. I was thinking either the NodeList or NodeSet with a possible alterntive presentation display would be a good starting point for this.

If a NodeSet returns <EMPTY NODESET> then of course it return hasVariables() as false instead of true. Doug and tips on how to go about implementing this in XSL Tools interfaces to the debugger would be helpful.


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