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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] Refactored launching code

I've committed it now. I've started a build, so expect problems for a couple of hours as I sort out any issues.
You now need to check out the 3 new jaxp.* plugins (and you can remove the xsl.debug plugin). These 3 plugins are the only ones that require the JDT, and are optional. Note that what used to be called 'Features', are now called 'Attributes'. This brings it into line with JAXP which calls them attributes (although the atttributes are also called features by Xalan and Saxon).
I've also added bcel and java cup to the feature, and now you can choose either compiling or interpretive for Xalan.
Is there a list of what is currently needed for the Core system. We probably should start deleting some code out for those plugins that aren't used any longer like the old Eclipse XSLT launching so that people know which ones to check out and which ones to avoid. I'd keep the xsl.debug plugin code around for a bit, until you are comfortable with the latest refactorings.

You can add non-JAXP launchers + debuggers using the org.eclipse.debug.core.launchDelegates extension point. Dave - I think it would be good if you were to attempt this for the libxslt stuff (should be quite straightforward)?
I'll see about getting XSLTProc added for at least running. It'll be like saxon in the fact that we won't be able to distrubute any binaries for it, but we can at least have the extension point in place so they can add the necessary processor.


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