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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] XSLT 1.0 schema and editor

David Carver wrote:
I've checked in the schema and added it to the catalogs directory. Also, I've removed the DTD that had not been approved by IP. The XSLT was approved, and modified to support XSLT 1.0. At the moment a catalog entry is being used to provide support for the XSLT namespace. Long term we will need to dynamically provide the correct grammar depending on the version attribute.
I've found a way for breaking into the resolver chain, before the catalog support, where we can check the file contents to find the best schema, by registering a resolver extension. So, I'll be able to use the XSLT 2.0 XSD dynamically. What needs to change in the 2.0 XSD before it's usable?

BTW, I'm going to move the catalog contributions to the core plugin (not checked in yet)...
See bug 195028 for more information and the bug dependency this implementation depends on for full functionality of annotations.

I've also added several "feature" requests for various parts of the editor. These are just brain storming ideas, or existing functionality with other XSLT editors I've come to expect to be there by default. If there is an existing bug number, I've added that to the request as well.


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