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Re: [vtp-dev] Can VTP/OpenMethod application dev suite export static VXML scripts?

Hi Ben,

Q1. No, there is currently no way to export static VXML files. The openVXML framework provides features that cannot translate into static VXML (database queries, web service invocations, custom modules, etc). It is theoretically possible for simple applications consisting of only prompts, fields, and menus to be translated, but no work has been done in this regard.

Q2. There is no build.xml file for building the entire VTP; we are in the process of setting up a build system for the next release. For now you can directly build the plug-ins by exporting the projects from Eclipse as "Deployable plug-ins and fragments" using the Export wizard.

Q3. You should be able to deploy the framework JARs on any Java Servlet 2.3 compatible servlet container.

Hope this helps,
Lonnie Pryor

Benjamin Kao wrote:

Bear with me with the following newbie questions. I think I have checked the faq and all the OpenMethod doc/flash demo but cannot find the following answers. My experience with Eclipse is also limited.

Q1. Is there ia way to use OpenMethod application dev suite to export static VXML scripts?

I understand most people would benefit from the OpenMethod run time to generate VXML code but I am also interested in generating static ones.

Q2. after anonymously checking out all the ~3000 files under org.eclipse.vtp to my workspace, where is the build.xml that allows me to rebuild, understand and customize the OpenMethod Apps dev and run time? When I right click the package within Eclipse, Buildpath/Configure build path, under Builders I have missing builder (

When I do a Project/Build all...nothing happens.

There is only one build.xml but is under


Q3. Now that I am able to use the app dev suite GUI to build some apps and deploy using Skpye on TellMe on my public web server, I wonder how easy is it to reuse the eleven jars ( org.eclipse.vtp.framware_api.....) and may be all the sources of these jars, to deploy on some other target?



Ben Kao


vtp-dev mailing list

Lonnie Pryor


4741 Central Street   |   Suite 285   |   Kansas City , MO   |   64112-1533

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lonnie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |

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