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Re: [ve-dev] How to generate XML instead of Java in VEP

Hi Sinha,

The preference page option "Show XML Text" is really a debug option that allows the ability to see the VE model serialized as XML (it is an EMF model that serializes easy to XML).  This model is what is shown and updated by the viewers and also built by code parsing so sometimes when things break it's useful to see the model and see where the break is.  To get the option to show the usual way is if you are starting Eclipse from itself (i.e. with a configuration) visit the Tracing tab of this, select tracing for and check debug/xmltext.

If you are starting Eclipse and want to do this without having to use a launch configuration you can also do this with a .options file.

Is what you want to do make the VE so it serializes to XML and opens on XML, i.e. has no Java code parsing and generation ?  If so this is a scenario that is supported but right now without a lot of documentation.  One thing we have kept kicking around is the idea of doing a tutorial to show how to get it working with something like XSWT for example, or maybe the JavaBeans XMLEncoder/XMLDecoder format.  It would also help us to get the extension points and API cleaned up if we published it as a tutorial and I think many people would benefit from this.  Is this the kind of scenario that is close to what you want to achieve ?

Best regards,

Joe Winchester

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