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[ve-dev] GridBagLayoutEditPolicy


Could you please tell me when
GridbagLayoutEditPolicy.createChangeConstraintCommand() is called? what user
action is responsible for invoking it?

It is not clear from the call graph or refernces.

getMoveChildrenCommand of ConstrainedLayoutEditPolicy calls
getResizeChildrenCommand which in turn calls createChanneConstraint command.

However, getMoveChildrenCommand is overridden by GridBaglayoutEditPolicy.

BTW; In ULC, since we have similar API to Swing, we are using your code from
BorderLayout and GridBagLayout Feedbacks. It would be helpful if this can be
opened up i.e. removed from internal.

Thanks and regards,


Janak Mulani
Canoo Engineering AG
email: janak.mulani@xxxxxxxxx
tel: +91 98200 91274

ULC: Rich Internet Applications for J2EE

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