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[ve-dev] [Important] Palette xmi contributors please read, palette change.


I just put up a nightly build (N20050621). This build has a new restructured palette xmi format. It now matches the GEF palette structure. Previously we had an older version that didn't quite match it. By stepping up to the new structure we can provide some new function (the Palette Stack is now available, whereas before you couldn't do this), and you can now put your icon on the drawer instead of the default one. This will also position us for in the future doing user palette customization because it now matches GEF's palette.

What does it mean to palette developers? Well, the old palette structure works, but it has been deprecated. We want to actually remove it for VE 1.2. But the good news is there is a quick and painless conversion utility.

We're asking that any palette contributors should migrate their palette xmi when they step up to the nightly build (N20050621 or later).

The conversion utility can be retrieved from:


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