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[tycho-user] BREE/Toolchain resolves to unexpected version

I'm using <useJDK>BREE<..> in a tycho-surefire test plugin. The plugin has its Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment set to JavaSE-1.8. 

The build fails like this:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:2.2.0:test (default-test) on project xxxxx.tests: Error while executing platform: useJDK = BREE configured, but no toolchain of type 'jdk' with id 'JavaSE-11' found. So even if I want it to use JavaSE-1.8 it tries to find a Java 11 hmm? Why?

If I change the Bundle-Required-ExecutionEnvironment to something like JavaSE-15, I get the same error message but for JavaSE-15, which is what I'd expect, since I have only configured a toolchain for JavaSE-8). Somehow if I drop below Java11, the Bundle-Required-ExecutionEnvironment value has no longer an effect on which toolchain is selected. I am running this on OpenJDK 11 and Tycho 2.2 and I'm out of ideas. 

Linux. The choice of a GNU generation.

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