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Re: [tycho-user] Support for architecture-specfic launcher arguments (argsX86, argsX86_64, etc.)

You can do it by writing a bunch of IUs in a p2.inf and then hooking those to your product root. It takes a lot of time and patience, which is why we are doign this work in the product editor. Time wise, I think you would be better off providing a patch to Tycho to include the new version of p2 than messing around with the p2.inf :)

 On 04/04/2014 10:07 AM, Andreas Sewe wrote:
Hi Pascal,

This support has been added to p2 very recently (close to the end of M6)
and I don't think tycho has had the opportunity to pick up the version
of the p2 publisher that include this support.
thanks for the info. So I guess I have to wait for a Tycho update,
unless anyone knows of a workaround.

Best wishes,


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