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Re: [tycho-user] Why is Tycho manifest-first?

On 11/17/2011 09:52 AM, Aaron Digulla wrote:
Zitat von Hamza Soussou <hamza_soussou@xxxxxxxx>:

when you deal with package dependencies (import-package in, which would be better: pom-first or manifest-first? I would vote for manifest-first approach

I prefer an approach which allows repeatable builds. When I build something, I want to be sure what I get. This is very hard to do right with p2.
you can make reproductible builds by setting a strict version to your dependencies [1.0.0.RELEASE,1.0.0.RELEASE] for example (and this is the same thing when you deal with maven dependencies: you need to specify a strict dependency to a given version) and as you can notice, manifest-first approach can allow you to depend on a single version or a range of versions


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