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[tycho-user] transitive optional dependency issues

Hey guys,
I'm having yet another build issue w/ tycho. I have an eclipse plugin that I'm trying to build that requires another osgi wrapper bundle. The wrapper bundle is just a simple osgi jar that has many optional dependencies listed in it's Import-Package statement. Tycho seems to want to try and resolve all of those optional dependencies. How can I force tycho to ignore those optional transitive dependencies?

Here is the section of the MANIFEST.MF from my osgi wrapper jar that I'm building against (com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi)


The tycho error....

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: "No solution found because the problem is unsatisfiable.": ["Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package com.sun.jdmk.comm 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package com.sun.msv.datatype 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package com.sun.msv.datatype.xsd 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package javax.jmdns 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package javax.validation 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package javax.validation.constraints 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package javax.validation.groups 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package javax.validation.metadata 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package net.sf.cglib.transform.impl 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package nu.xom 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package org.apache.avalon.framework.logger 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package org.apache.log 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package org.codehaus.jettison 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package org.codehaus.jettison.mapped 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package org.gjt.xpp 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package org.jaxen 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package org.jaxen.dom4j 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package org.jaxen.pattern 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package org.jaxen.saxpath 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package org.joda.time 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package org.joda.time.format 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package org.relaxng.datatype 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package sun.misc 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from com.hp.oo.oo-content-api-osgi 1.0.26.SNAPSHOT to package sun.reflect 0.0.0.", "Unable to satisfy dependency from org.eclipse.jdt.core 3.7.0.v_OTDT_r200_201106070730 to bundle org.eclipse.jdt.ui [3.7.0.v20110531-1200,3.7.0.v20110531-1201).", "Unable to satisfy dependency from org.eclipse.jdt.core 3.7.0.v_OTDT_r200_201106070730 to [2.0.0,3.0.0).", "Unable to satisfy dependency from org.eclipse.jdt.core 3.7.1.v_OTDT_r201_201109101025 to [2.0.0,3.0.0).", "No solution found because the problem is unsatisfiable."] at org.eclipse.tycho.p2.impl.resolver.ProjectorResolutionStrategy.resolve( at org.eclipse.tycho.p2.impl.resolver.P2ResolverImpl.resolveProject( at org.eclipse.tycho.p2.impl.resolver.P2ResolverImpl.resolveProject( at org.eclipse.tycho.p2.resolver.P2TargetPlatformResolver.doResolvePlatform( at org.eclipse.tycho.p2.resolver.P2TargetPlatformResolver.resolvePlatform( at org.eclipse.tycho.core.resolver.DefaultTychoDependencyResolver.resolveProject( at org.eclipse.tycho.core.maven.TychoMavenLifecycleParticipant.afterProjectsRead(
    at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
    at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
    ... 11 more

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