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Re: [tycho-user] OSGi qualifier vs. maven snapshot

OSGi does not have a notion of "snapshot" versions, all versions are
treated the same and 1.0.0.qualifier is indeed considered to be newer
than 1.0.0.

There are two versioning schemes that result is reasonable behaviour
both for OSGi and Maven.

Use the same four part version (eg., for both Maven
and OSGi. This results in slightly odd version jump when going from
snapshots to releases on the maven side, i.e. 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT goes to, but everything works otherwise.

Use even/odd convention to version snapshots and releases, i.e.
1.0.1-SNAPSHOT/1.0.1.qualifier is released as 1.0.2/1.0.2.

I think it is also possible to decouple maven and osgi versions of
released artifacts, i.e. use 1.0.0 for maven and for
OSGi, but personally I find this confusing and would not recommend. And
I am not sure if Tycho will allow this in the future.


On 11-10-12 7:02 AM, Matthias Koester wrote:

We are currently using tycho and the tycho-versions-plugin to automate
the build of our product and use the standard maven convention of using
"-SNAPSHOT" for development and continous integration. On our git master
branch we use x.y.z-SNAPSHOT and drop the "-SNAPSHOT" for releasing our
product. But we now have the impression that this doesn' t work as
expected, because in OSGi 1.0.0.qualifier seems to be newer than 1.0.0.
That means that if we reease version 1.0.0 of our product it references
features and plugins from our latest snapshot release. Or am I missing
sth.? If I'm right, the question is how others release there products
with tycho?


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