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Re: [tools-pmc] GEF Incubator Proposal


Please don't take offense at my meddling, but one problem that I see is that attempts to do incubation type things in GEF have simply failed.  Dredging through some recent notes, I see comments like this.
This is by my count the third request for a GEF incubator. I will repeat what I said to the others, make it so, if there is a need, make it happen.
Apparently several folks do feel there is a need and are trying to make it happen...

The same note exchange includes an attempt by Alexander Nyssen to get involved. He introduces himself like this:
I am a Software Engineer, working for itemis in Germany, where I am very much involved in graphical editors and graphical modeling tools (I develop GEF and GMF based tools and I am also itemis' coach for providing GEF-based courses and customer on-site coaching). Not only because of my job, but also personally I am pretty much interested in the GEF project, and I have worked with and actively followed it already 5 years before getting employed at itemis (during which time I was a Ph.D. student at RWTH Aachen University, where as part of my research project I have build graphical editors with GEF as well).

During those years of intensive work with the GEF framework, I have very much learned to appreciate what is there, but I have also identified weaknesses and collected some ideas of what could be improved. The reason I have not very much appeared as a contributor to the GEF project so far is not a lack of interest. It is just that two smaller patches I have contributed to it (195527 and 245182) have not caused much response, and because I had already gathered some bad experiences with working intensively as a non-committing contributor on another project (I had completely refactored TPTP's AUTO GUI recorder to support the recording of figures in a GEF graphical viewer in terms of bug 133099 in early 2008, having spent days and weeks of work on it;  the patch has been moved from target milestone to target milestone since, still not having been adopted till today). However, this is another story, I just wanted to bring it as an argument for my sudden "emerging".

Let me therefore state that I would like to help bringing the GEF project forward. As I very much appreciate the Eclipse way of becoming a committer, it would also be quite fine for me to start helping the project with some active contribution, as long as I can be sure that my work is somehow taken into account. Maybe we can exchange ourselves about what could be a suitable starting point.

What I discussed with Ed at the Eclipse Summit Europe however is yet another issue. I think that a lot of improvements could be brought to the project with the need of having to break the current API. As I understand that API stability is pretty much important for GEF, because a lot of products build on top of it, an incubation project in the style of e4 could indeed be a very good way of achieving both. As I already stated to Ed I would be willing to take responsibility for such an approach (I would definitely like to "make it happen", and I also have a colleague that is very much into the topic and would like to contribute). However, I think that such an approach would be most gainful only, if active communication and collaboration between it and the GEF project could take place. That is why active participation in the GEF project is of a high interest to me in this regard as well. It would be fine if we could investigate this further.
When folks show up like this for a modeling project, I generally try to set the hook and reel them in.  I think something needs to be done to help make folks like this feel more welcome.


Anthony Hunter wrote:

No offence Ian, the end goal here is that it sounds like I have won you over and we can get this work going in GEF!

"There are schedules and release review and API freeze, etc."

Only for code going into that release.

If we feel the code is not ready yet, no need to contribute it to that release. So yes for work in May and June that could go into the release after.

Anthony Hunter mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx
Software Development Manager
IBM Rational Software: Aurora / Modeling Tools
Phone: 613-270-4613

Inactive hide details for Ian Bull ---2010/02/04 06:19:33 PM---Sorry, I didn't mean any offense by anything I said. I should haIan Bull ---2010/02/04 06:19:33 PM---Sorry, I didn't mean any offense by anything I said. I should have probably used the word stable project for GEF. All I meant


Ian Bull <irbull@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Tools PMC mailing list <tools-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>


2010/02/04 06:19 PM


Re: [tools-pmc] GEF Incubator Proposal

Sorry, I didn't mean any offense by anything I said.   I should have probably used the word stable project for GEF. All I meant was that it's at the bottom of a very large stack and any changes must consider it's placement in this stack.  If the proposed work can be done without breaking any clients, great!  But we won't know this until we try.

I view some of this work in the same way that e4 fits with the platform.  Some stuff will be successful, some won't. Some stuff can be back ported, some can't.   

Regarding the mentoring of new committers, I was following up on Wayne's comment that the barrier to entry is lower.  If someone breaks the build, or API, or is still learning the rules regarding third party libraries, this is much easier to deal with in an incubator rather than a project on the release train, No?

Finally, regarding the innovation, I don't feel GEF is hard to work with.. anymore than the platform is hard to work with.  There are schedules and release review and API freeze, etc... These are all very valuable in an "stable" project, but don't make sense in the beginning.  

If we can do this work in GEF, and we can separate this work from the release train, and folks doing this work are free to committ code during May and June (That's prime time for SoC work and it's also RC time for us), then let's do that.  If those things are hard to manage in an existing / stable project, then let's do the work in an incubator.

The key for me is not where the work is being done. We have people who want to get involved, let's see what we can do to bring them on board.


On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 2:57 PM, Anthony Hunter <anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    Hi Ian, more of my personal comments:

    1. GEF is clearly a mature project in maintenance mode. [...]

    Incorrect. GEF is not in maintenance mode. GEF is a stable project that has fewer major features year over year because the community has not contributed them. GEF has been consistently keeping up with Eclipse releases and new OS platforms every year as part of every Eclipse simultaneous release. When the community has contributed larger features, GEF has accommodated them (Zest is perfect example of that). GEF has been adding small fixes to Helios as dependent teams have asked for them. We have even been asked for API changes and we have gladly incorporated them. A project in maintenance mode would be adverse to all change. This is not the case with GEF.

    2. The people doing the work are (for the most part) not active committers on other projects. An incubator will give us a chance to help mentor them.

    Does this make sense? What is the difference between mentoring a committer on an incubating project or a released project?

    3. [...] Forcing new ideas to follow API freeze rules (for example) will only stiffle innovation.

    If you feel this strongly that working within the GEF project is going to stiffle innovation?

    Anthony Hunter
    Software Development Manager
    IBM Rational Software: Aurora / Modeling Tools
    Phone: 613-270-4613

    Inactive hide details for Ian Bull ---2010/02/04 05:11:36 PM---Actually, while I think making this part of GEF proper could worIan Bull ---2010/02/04 05:11:36 PM---Actually, while I think making this part of GEF proper could work, the more I think about it the more an incubator makes sense.


    Ian Bull <irbull@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


    Tools PMC mailing list <tools-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>


    2010/02/04 05:11 PM


    Re: [tools-pmc] GEF Incubator Proposal

    Actually, while I think making this part of GEF proper could work, the more I think about it the more an incubator makes sense.

    1. GEF is clearly a mature project in maintenance mode.  Many of the ideas being presented in this proposal stray well off the beaten path.  An incubator will help ensure that GEF maintains it's current direction in the short term, with the possibilty of new ideas flowing in down the road.

    2. The people doing the work are (for the most part) not active committers on other projects. An incubator will give us a chance to help mentor them.

    3. The GEF project, follows a similar plan as the platform (with respect to schedules, etc...).  Forcing new ideas to follow API freeze rules (for example) will only stiffle innovation.

    We could, if it makes more sense, propose this project under "Technology".  But since this is tied closely to GEF, a tools project (IMHO) seems appropriate.


    On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 9:02 AM, Doug Schaefer <
    cdtdoug@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
        On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 10:23 AM, Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
        Another benefit is that you can have a lower bar for committers on the incubator. You can use the incubator to grow folks into committer-worthy status. Just a thought

        The bar is as high as the existing committers set it. ;). I'm still hoping for the "Eclipse Labs" concept to develop so we can create such sandboxes there.

        Doug Schaefer wrote:

            BTW, the only benefit would be parallel IP. You can do those other things without the hassle of creating and managing a second project. And even parallel IP could be handled by storing the initial code off site. Until it's ready for the review.

            Of course, if you want to do it, I'm fine with that. It just a pet peave of mine.

            On Feb 3, 2010 8:56 AM, "Ian Bull" <
            irbull@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:irbull@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

            I don't know, that's a good question.  I thought that incubators provided a number of advantages for new projects and new ideas, such as:

               * Parallel IP
               * Pre 1.0 (wrt to API)
               * A clear indication to early adopters of what to expect

            I don't have a problem with creating this work as a sub component of GEF, although some of this work is clearly "incubation" style work (new ideas with undefined API that will hopefully graduate -- but that will depend on the quality and demand of the work being done).

            Anthony, as the GEF lead, what do you tihnk?


            On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 10:20 PM, Doug Schaefer <
            cdtdoug@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:cdtdoug@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote: > > I am on the record a...

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