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Re: [tm-dev] RemoteServicesManager and rse scheme

Hi Greg,
I've only just started to look into the Remote Valgrind feature so I don't know either.  What is the best way of implementing a browse button that will handle paths within Remote Systems? Is there another plugin that does this that I could look at?
I need it to support ssh/scp which is a new feature I believe that's still in incubation so something that is generic like RSE would be preferable.

Many Thanks,

From: tm-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [tm-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] on behalf of Greg Watson [g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 04 January 2016 14:58
To: TM project developer discussions
Subject: Re: [tm-dev] RemoteServicesManager and rse scheme

I’m not sure where Valgrind gets the filesystem information to populate the dialog from, however remote services does not provide an RSE adapter, so this is why you are getting a NPE. At one point remote services did provide an adapter (many versions ago), but this was dropped because it was just duplicating the ssh/sftp support provided directly via JSch.


On Jan 4, 2016, at 8:51 AM, Martin Townsend <Martin.Townsend@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Hopefully I have the right mailing list for this problem, otherwise apologies and I would appreciate if someone could point me to the correct forum.

I'm trying to debug a problem in Linux Tools where the Valgrind Remote Launch configuration throws a NULL pointer exception.  It occurs when you select RSE in the file system drop down box and then click browse... button.  After stepping through the code I get to the following 2 lines in selectResource of the RDTResourceSelectorProxy class
        IRemoteServicesManager sm = Activator.getService(IRemoteServicesManager.class);
        IRemoteConnectionType ct = sm.getConnectionType(uri);
The NULL pointer occurs because sm.getConnectionType(uri) returns NULL.  The uri variable has the scheme of 'rse' and after stepping through the getConnectionType I see that it ends up in RemoteServicesManager and because it hasn't been initialised it calls init.  After stepping through init I only see 'file' and 'ssh' schemes added to the schemeMap.

Should 'rse' be added to schemeMap during init?
If not what's the correct way for this dialog to select a remote file system? is there another plugin that does something similar that I can look at?

Thanks in advance,

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