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[tm-dev] RemoteServicesManager and rse scheme


Hopefully I have the right mailing list for this problem, otherwise apologies and I would appreciate if someone could point me to the correct forum.

I'm trying to debug a problem in Linux Tools where the Valgrind Remote Launch configuration throws a NULL pointer exception.  It occurs when you select RSE in the file system drop down box and then click browse... button.  After stepping through the code I get to the following 2 lines in selectResource of the RDTResourceSelectorProxy class
        IRemoteServicesManager sm = Activator.getService(IRemoteServicesManager.class);
        IRemoteConnectionType ct = sm.getConnectionType(uri);
The NULL pointer occurs because sm.getConnectionType(uri) returns NULL.  The uri variable has the scheme of 'rse' and after stepping through the getConnectionType I see that it ends up in RemoteServicesManager and because it hasn't been initialised it calls init.  After stepping through init I only see 'file' and 'ssh' schemes added to the schemeMap.

Should 'rse' be added to schemeMap during init?
If not what's the correct way for this dialog to select a remote file system? is there another plugin that does something similar that I can look at?

Thanks in advance,

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