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Re: [technology-pmc] ORMF project needs assistance with project BA&D and SCM in general

On 4 Nov 2008, at 08:28, Joel Rosi-Schwartz wrote:

On 3 Nov 2008, at 14:46, Wayne Beaton wrote:

There is some reasonably good documentation in the online help. Look for the "PDE Build" task under the "Plug-in Development Environment Guide". You'll get most of what you need there. The example that I've provided adds Pack200, JAR signing, and update site creation support.

Unfortunately, I don't think we do have this process documented particularly well (especially the parts about Pack200, signing, and generating that update site. Chris may have some better links than I do.

Feel free to ask more questions in this list. Maybe we can massage the existing docs together...

If you our someone else in the know is willing to guide him, I am pretty sure that Yahya would be very happy to put in efforts towards improving these.

I'm not sure why my this point was not responded to; in the hope that it was simply overlooked I thought I would try again.


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