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[stem-dev] Archived old STEM files from OHF

Hi All,

I moved the old versions of OHF STEM builds from the downloads server to the archive server.
The reason is the mail below that explicitly mentioned OHF as a stale project and we had large files there.
The files are now archived under the /stem project and will be accessible by request.


----- Forwarded by Yossi Mesika/Haifa/IBM on 14/07/2010 07:14 -----

From:        Denis Roy <denis.roy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:        13/07/2010 22:51
Subject:        [] Unhappy mirror sites, and disk space
Sent by:


In recent months I have asked project teams to "clean up" their download area, since our mirror sites have been expressing dissatisfaction with us.  Many have responded to the call -- thank you.

However, many projects still have a very high ratio of stale files that do not need to be mirrored, and should be deleted or moved to the archives[1].  Such files include:

-> Older Nightly/Stable/Integration builds.  Temporary in nature, these should be deleted once they have expired.
-> Release builds that are no longer "current".  Release builds can be kept indefinitely; older releases must be moved to to avoid being mirrored.
-> Build artifacts that are not intended to be downloaded by the general public.  These should be stored on  Alternatively, you can request that a build directory be excluded from our mirrors.

I have begun examining our download space in high detail, starting with the Technology and Tools projects.  The following projects have been excluded from our sync to mirrors because of their large ratio of "stale" files.  

/technology/cosmos /technology/dltk /technology/linuxtools /technology/nebula /technology/ohf /technology/swtbot  /technology/tigerstripe
/tools/ajdt /tools/aspectj /tools/buckminster /tools/mylyn /tools/orbit /tools/pdt /tools/ptp

is also guilty; however, that project generates too many downloads to be excluded.  CDT team, please do take some time to clean up your download space.  Next week I will look at Modeling and Birt.

If you're in one of the above projects, this means the only options for downloading your bits are and Amazon AWS.  Fear not: Amazon has plenty of bandwidth to support all our downloads, so impact on your users will be virtually nil.  Regardless, maintaining a reasonable download footprint is imperative.

I know this all may seem heavy-handed, but it's not meant to be.  I simply want to avoid a collapse of our network of mirror sites.

If you believe I've wrongly assessed your downloads area, or if you've cleaned it up, I will happily reverse the exclusion. If you need assistance in moving files to the archives, please send an email to
webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx.  If specific subsets of your downloads area must remain there, please ask for them to be excluded.  Any further ideas, or discussion can happen on

Thanks for your understanding,


[1] Moving files to the archives:

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