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[stem-dev] Re: Air transport for world checked in

Hi Stefan,

Can you send me the codes or IDs for the locations with no centers? I can easily fix it.

We had code to do this manually but I though Yossi  automatically computes the centers if they do not exist.
Yossi, is this correct? If not I can easily generate the missing centers.
Best Regards,

IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Rd.
San Jose, CA 95120-6099
email: kaufman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
phone: (408) 927-2477  (tie 457-2477)

Stefan Edlund/Almaden/IBM

05/28/2009 04:14 PM

stem-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, James Kaufman/Almaden/IBM@IBMUS
Air transport for world checked in

You need to run the ant script update.xml under to build the models.

The air transportation edges won't show up on the map when you select from the drop down. I narrowed down the problem to the files under  Some files are missing the center for level 0. For instance, I built a model for scandinavia and none of denmark, sweden, norway or finland had the level 0 center. It's required to draw the air transport edges. Jamie, I think you generate these files, is it an easy fix?

Here is the the (now patched) file where I got the original data from:

There's a utility that reads this file and generates the .properties file used by the ant script.

Finally, some assumptions we might need to look into:

Assume level 2 is county, level 1 is state and level 0 is country

If we have admin level 2 data for a region in the file above, these are the rules:
  •         There's a 0 % chance that a flight departs and lands in the same county
  •         There's a 5 % chance that a flight departs one county and lands in another county within the same state (intra-state)
  •         There's a 50 % chance that a flight departs a county and lands in a different country (international)

If we only have admin level 1 data for a region in the file above, these are the rules:
  •         There's a 0 % chance that a flight departs and lands in the same state (intra-state)
  •         There's a 2 % chance that a flight departs one state and lands in a differerent state in the same country (inter-state)

If we only have admin 0 data for a region above, the rule is:
  •         There's a 0 % chance that a flight departs and lands in the same country

The motivation being if we have less data (fewer airports) it's likely it's a small country and most flights are international.
/ Stefan

Stefan Edlund
Public Health and Computer Science Research
IBM Almaden Research Center
(408) 927-1766   edlund@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Attachment: InternationalAirNewlyProcessed_all.csv
Description: Binary data

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