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[stellation-res] CLI Source Uploaded; New Repository Database

CLI Code Uploaded

I've just uploaded the source code for org.eclipse.stellation.cli, to the Stellation Wiki (see the TClientCode page). As Rafal found out, this code is needed to build a Stellation server. It's not needed for the TClient itself, and should not be used to build a command-line client (CLI or 'svc'). The CLI is no longer being maintained, and the most recent version does not work correctly with the current Stellation server.

New Repository Database

Mark and I have decided to create a fresh PostgreSQL database for the Stellation server on I'm in the process of populating it with with up-to-date versions of the Stellation client and server components, and the most recent versions of other Stellation components which were checked into the previous repository. We're keeping the old database around in case there's a need to retrieve older versions of anything.
I will post a note when the migration is complete.

- Jim

Jim Wright, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
*** The Stellation project: Advanced SCM for Collaboration
*** Work Email: jwright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ------- Personal Email: jim.wright@xxxxxxx

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