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[stellation-res] Input Requested: Which Eclipse Milestone Version for Initial T-Client Release?

I began testing the basic merge GUI on Friday 2/27 on an "end-user" basis
(recently, I've been running JUnit tests, but not using the GUI itself).

At this point, I found that the GUI parts of the Stellation CM client will
not load correctly under Eclipse R3M7 (it worked fine under R3M6).  The
problems seem to relate to the OSGi parts of the R3 release (I'm getting
BundleActivation errors).  Clearly, I'll need to resolve these in the fairly
nearly future.

However, I'm wondering if it's a good idea to target R3M7 for the initial
T-Client release.
* The motivation for changing to R3M7 was to use the new sync/compare APIs.
  However, these are not used in the current T-client.
* It appears that the R3 Team UI (and sync/compare APIs) may be changing
  again this coming week.  That's likely the API version I should target
  for the 2nd T-client release (to include visual merge using the standard
  Eclipse sync/compare view).
* Mark and I have both had fairly rocky experience using R3M7 (I'm using
  Linux GTK on RedHat 9, he's using Mac OS X).  There are a lot of GUI
  glitches (large and small) and other weirdness.

The alternative is to target R3M6 for the first T-client release:
* This will probably provide a more stable working environment for people
  working on WVCM and using the Stellation CM client.  Major, breaking API
  changes seem to have occurred between R6 and R7; those who don't need to
  use R7 just yet are better off waiting for the dust to clear a bit.
* It will also probably let me get the 1st T-client release out sooner.
  Using R3M6, I can probably package up the T-client tomorrow (March 1).
  It would probably take least another day or two to port the T-client to

Comments ?

As an aside: I've been studying the 3.0 porting guide and various posts on
the Equinox (OSGi / Rich Client Platform) newsgroup, but I've not had much
success so far with either 1) the suggested measures for getting 2.1 plugins to
work with R3, and for converting 2.1 plugins to "native" R3 format.

Please advise if you'd prefer to stick with R3M6 for the near future, or
are willing to wait a bit for R3M7-compatible Stellation CM plugins (and
put up with using the somewhat-flaky M7 release).

- Jim

Jim Wright, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
*** The Stellation project: Advanced SCM for Collaboration
*** Work Email: jwright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ------- Personal Email: jim.wright@xxxxxxx

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