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RE: [stellation-res] String Internationalization

Hi Jonathan,

I'm sorry for the delay in answering. Here you have the XLIFF DTD and tomorrow I will send you the TMX DTD.


On Thu, 2002-12-05 at 10:49, Jonathan Gossage wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: stellation-res-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:stellation-res-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Rodolfo M.Raya
Sent: December 5, 2002 4:29 PM
To: stellation-res@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [stellation-res] String Internationalization

On Thu, 2002-12-05 at 07:02, Jonathan Gossage wrote:
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: stellation-res-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >[mailto:stellation-res-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Rodolfo M.Raya
> >Sent: December 5, 2002 12:24 PM
> >To: stellation-res@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >Subject: Re: [stellation-res] String Internationalization
> >
> >
> >On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 10:43, Jonathan Gossage wrote:
> >> > May I suggest that you store strings in an XML file?. Maybe using
> >> something like:
> >> >
> >> > <resource id="filemenu">
> >> >   <string xml:lang="en-us">File</string>
> >> >   <string xml:lang="es">Archivos</string>
> >> >   <string xml:lang="fr">Fichier</string>
> >> > </resource>
> >> >
> >> > This can help in the future with the localization process.
> >> >
> >> > Regards,
> >> > Rodolfo
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> I am reluctant to use XML for the internal persistent storage
> >because of
> >> performance issues. Management of localized strings has been
> >identified by
> >> the Eclipse team as a performance problem area so I was
> >planning to use an
> >> optimized internal persistent layout. I think that the import/export
> >> facilities should be capable of putting the internal storage into XML
> >> format. In fact I would make this an extension point so that
> >different XML
> >> layouts could be generated to meet the needs of different tools.
> >
> >Hi Jonathan,
> >
> >If you provide the extension points to export/import strings then we can
> >write the tools to handle XML formats. Don't worry about this.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Rodolfo
> >--
One of the issues that I see here when exporting to external tools will be
in dealing with strings that are made up of fragments where some of the
fragments are text that needs to be translated and other fragments are data
to be converted to string format for final presentation. Typically this is
done programmatically, but to get good translations for this kind of thing
the external tools will need to be able to reconstruct and present the final
string to the translator so that correct grammatical and usage conventions
will be observed in the final product.

A similar issue will be where different gramatical forms (e.g. word plurals)
will be required depending on the values of data inserted into the string.

Any XML formats that we come up with should be capable of describing these
relatively complex requirements. The real problem may occur if the external
tools do not have the power to handle such situations.
Hi Jonathan,

Usually the text is converted to XML format and divided in "segments" before translation. A segment can be one string or just part of it.

Translation tools deal with segments of text and professional translators must reconstruct the context and provide the right localization.

The standard XML formats used in translations are TMX and XLIFF. Both formats contemplate all the necessary stuff. If you are interested in the subject, I can send you the DTDs that describe TMX and XLIFF.

Yes, I would definitely like to see them. It may make a difference in the internal structures and support code if I structure things with the export need in mind.
Personal Email 
Business Email

Rodolfo M.Raya <rmraya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
<!-- XLIFF

Public Identifier: "-//XLIFF//DTD XLIFF//EN"

History of modifications (latest first):

Jan-28-2002 by YS: Implemented fixes after OASIS TC spec revision
May-15-2001 by YS: Add phase-name to <trans-unit> and <bin-unit>
May-15-2001 by YS: Reverse id for <trans-unit> to required
Apr-19-2001 by YS: Enda+JohnR last changes
Apr-18-2001 by YS: Removed empty ATTLISTs
Apr-12-2001 by YS: Changed target* to target+ in trans-match
Apr-11-2001 by YS: Fixed DOCTYPE id
Apr-10-2001 by YS: Synchronize from conference call 
Apr-05-2001 by YS: Synchronize with latest specs
Apr-04-2001 by YS: Synchronize with latest specs
Apr-03-2001 by YS: Added name in <prop-group>
Apr-02-2001 by YS: Implemented JR fixes
Mar-29-2001 by JC: fixes for xml:space and bin-unit
Mar-28-2001 by YS: First draft version


<!ENTITY % CodeContent "#PCDATA|sub" >
<!ENTITY % TextContent "#PCDATA|g|bpt|ept|ph|it|mrk|x|bx|ex" >

<!ENTITY lt   "&#38;#60;" >
<!ENTITY amp  "&#38;#38;" >
<!ENTITY gt   "&#62;" >
<!ENTITY apos "&#39;" >
<!ENTITY quot "&#34;" >

<!-- ***************************************************************** -->
<!-- Structural Elements                                               -->
<!-- ***************************************************************** -->

<!ELEMENT xliff     (file)+ >
<!ATTLIST xliff
   version          CDATA              #FIXED "1.0"
   xml:lang         CDATA              #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT file      (header,body) >
<!ATTLIST file
   original         CDATA              #REQUIRED
   source-language  CDATA              #REQUIRED
   datatype         CDATA              #REQUIRED
   tool             CDATA              #IMPLIED
   date             CDATA              #IMPLIED
   xml:space        (default|preserve) "default"
   ts               CDATA              #IMPLIED
   category         CDATA              #IMPLIED
   target-language  CDATA              #IMPLIED
   product-name     CDATA              #IMPLIED
   product-version  CDATA              #IMPLIED
   build-num        CDATA              #IMPLIED
<!-- tool default = "manual" -->

<!ELEMENT header        (skl?,phase-group?,(prop-group|glossary|reference|note|count-group)*) >

<!ELEMENT skl           (internal-file|external-file) >

<!ELEMENT internal-file (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST internal-file
   form                 CDATA    #IMPLIED
   crc                  NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED
<!-- text|base64 (text is default) -->

<!ELEMENT external-file EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST external-file
   href                 CDATA    #REQUIRED
   crc                  NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED
   uid                  NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT glossary      (internal-file|external-file) >

<!ELEMENT reference     (internal-file|external-file) >

<!ELEMENT note          (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST note
   xml:lang             CDATA    #IMPLIED
   priority             (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10) "1"
   from                 CDATA    #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT prop-group    (prop)+ >
<!ATTLIST prop-group
   name                 CDATA    #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT prop          (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST prop
   prop-type            CDATA    #REQUIRED
   xml:lang             CDATA    #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT context-group (context)+ >
<!ATTLIST context-group
   name                 CDATA    #REQUIRED
   crc                  NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED

<!-- Processing instructions related to <context-group>:

<?xliff-show-context-group name='value' ?>

Indicates that any <context-group> element with a name set to 'value' should be
displayed to the end-user.


<!ELEMENT context       (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST context
   context-type         CDATA    #REQUIRED
   match-mandatory      (yes|no) "no"
   crc                  NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED

<!-- Processing instructions related to <context>:

<?xliff-show-context context-type='value' ?>

Indicates that any <context> element with a context-type set to 'value' should 
be displayed to the end-user.


<!ELEMENT phase-group   (phase)+ >

<!ELEMENT phase         (note)* >
<!ATTLIST phase
   phase-name           CDATA    #REQUIRED
   process-name         CDATA    #REQUIRED
   company-name         CDATA    #IMPLIED
   tool                 CDATA    #IMPLIED
   date                 CDATA    #IMPLIED
   job-id               CDATA    #IMPLIED
   contact-name         CDATA    #IMPLIED
   contact-email        CDATA    #IMPLIED
   contact-phone        CDATA    #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT count-group   (count)* >
<!ATTLIST count-group
   name                 CDATA    #REQUIRED

<!ELEMENT count         (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST count
   count-type           CDATA       #IMPLIED
   unit                 CDATA       #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT body          (group|trans-unit|bin-unit)* >

<!ELEMENT group         ((context-group*,count-group*,prop-group*,note*),(group|trans-unit|bin-unit)*)
<!ATTLIST group
   id                   NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   datatype             CDATA       #IMPLIED
   xml:space            (default|preserve) "default"
   ts                   CDATA       #IMPLIED
   restype              CDATA       #IMPLIED
   resname              NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   extradata            CDATA       #IMPLIED
   help-id              NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   menu                 CDATA       #IMPLIED
   menu-option          CDATA       #IMPLIED
   menu-name            CDATA       #IMPLIED
   coord                CDATA       #IMPLIED
   font                 CDATA       #IMPLIED
   css-style            CDATA       #IMPLIED
   style                NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   exstyle              NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT trans-unit    (source,target?,(count-group|note|context-group|prop-group|alt-trans)*) >
<!ATTLIST trans-unit
   id                   NMTOKEN     #REQUIRED
   approved             (yes|no)    #IMPLIED
   translate            (yes|no)    "yes"
   reformat             (yes|no)    "yes"
   xml:space            (default|preserve) "default"
   datatype             CDATA       #IMPLIED
   ts                   CDATA       #IMPLIED
   restype              CDATA       #IMPLIED
   resname              NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   extradata            CDATA       #IMPLIED
   help-id              NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   menu                 CDATA       #IMPLIED
   menu-option          CDATA       #IMPLIED
   menu-name            CDATA       #IMPLIED
   coord                CDATA       #IMPLIED
   font                 CDATA       #IMPLIED
   css-style            CDATA       #IMPLIED
   style                NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   exstyle              NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   size-unit            CDATA       #IMPLIED
   maxwidth             NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   minwidth             NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   maxheight            NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   minheight            NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   maxbytes             NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   minbytes             NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   charclass            CDATA       #IMPLIED
   phase-name           CDATA       #IMPLIED
<!-- size-unit: char|byte|pixel|glyph|dlgunit default='pixel' -->

<!ELEMENT source        (%TextContent;)* >
<!ATTLIST source
   xml:lang             CDATA       #IMPLIED
   ts                   CDATA       #IMPLIED
<!-- coord = "x;y;cx;cy"
   font= "fontname[;size[;weight]]"

<!ELEMENT target        (%TextContent;)* >
<!ATTLIST target
   state                NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   phase-name           NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   xml:lang             CDATA       #IMPLIED
   ts                   CDATA       #IMPLIED
   restype              CDATA       #IMPLIED
   resname              NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   coord                CDATA       #IMPLIED
   font                 CDATA       #IMPLIED
   css-style            CDATA       #IMPLIED
   style                NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   exstyle              NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT alt-trans     (source?,target+,(note|context-group|prop-group)*) >
<!ATTLIST alt-trans
   match-quality        CDATA       #IMPLIED
   tool                 CDATA       #IMPLIED
   crc                  NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   xml:lang             CDATA       #IMPLIED
   origin               CDATA       #IMPLIED
   datatype             CDATA       #IMPLIED
   xml:space           (default|preserve) "default"
   ts                   CDATA       #IMPLIED
   restype              CDATA       #IMPLIED
   resname              NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   extradata            CDATA       #IMPLIED
   help-id              NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   menu                 CDATA       #IMPLIED
   menu-option          CDATA       #IMPLIED
   menu-name            CDATA       #IMPLIED
   coord                CDATA       #IMPLIED
   font                 CDATA       #IMPLIED
   css-style            CDATA       #IMPLIED
   style                NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   exstyle              NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT bin-unit      (bin-source,bin-target?,(note|context-group|prop-group|trans-unit)*) >
<!ATTLIST bin-unit
   id                   NMTOKEN     #REQUIRED
   mime-type            NMTOKEN     #REQUIRED
   approved             (yes|no)    #IMPLIED
   translate            (yes|no)    "yes"
   reformat             (yes|no)    "yes"
   ts                   CDATA       #IMPLIED
   restype              CDATA       #IMPLIED
   resname              NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   phase-name           CDATA       #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT bin-source    (internal-file|external-file) >
<!ATTLIST bin-source
   ts                   CDATA       #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT bin-target    (internal-file|external-file) >
<!ATTLIST bin-target
   mime-type            NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   ts                   CDATA       #IMPLIED
   state                NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   phase-name           NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED
   restype              CDATA       #IMPLIED
   resname              NMTOKEN     #IMPLIED

<!-- ***************************************************************** -->
<!-- In-Line Elements                                                  -->
<!-- ***************************************************************** -->

<!ELEMENT g             (%TextContent;)* >
   id                   CDATA     #REQUIRED
   ctype                CDATA     #IMPLIED
   clone                (yes|no)  "yes"
   ts                   CDATA     #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT x             EMPTY >
   id                   CDATA     #REQUIRED
   ctype                CDATA     #IMPLIED
   clone                (yes|no)  "yes"
   ts                   CDATA     #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT bx            EMPTY >
   id                   CDATA     #REQUIRED
   rid                  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   ctype                CDATA     #IMPLIED
   clone                (yes|no)  "yes"
   ts                   CDATA     #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT ex            EMPTY >
   id                   CDATA     #REQUIRED
   rid                  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   ts                   CDATA     #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT ph            (%CodeContent;)* >
   id                   CDATA     #REQUIRED
   ctype                CDATA     #IMPLIED
   ts                   CDATA     #IMPLIED
   crc                  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   assoc                CDATA     #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT bpt           (%CodeContent;)* >
   id                   CDATA     #REQUIRED
   rid                  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   ctype                CDATA     #IMPLIED
   ts                   CDATA     #IMPLIED
   crc                  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT ept           (%CodeContent;)* >
   id                   CDATA     #REQUIRED
   rid                  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   ts                   CDATA     #IMPLIED
   crc                  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT it            (%CodeContent;)* >
   id                   CDATA     #REQUIRED
   pos                  (open|close) #REQUIRED
   rid                  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   ctype                CDATA     #IMPLIED
   ts                   CDATA     #IMPLIED
   crc                  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT mrk           (%TextContent;)* >
   mtype                CDATA     #REQUIRED
   mid                  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   comment              CDATA     #IMPLIED   
   ts                   CDATA     #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT sub           (%TextContent;)* >
   datatype             CDATA     #IMPLIED
   ctype                CDATA     #IMPLIED

<!-- ***** End of DTD ************************************************ -->

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