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[stellation-res] Checkin to ...stellation.scm.model (ClientCore work-in-progress)

I've just checked in a new version of the ClientCore ('model2') code.
Changes include:

* Additional work on new ClientCore (a.k.a. 'model2') components.
  Working functionality includes project open/close/reopen; adding
  resources to local BranchImage.  (Note that artifact contents are
  not processed: they are only touched during checkin/checkout, TBD in
  the next phase).

* Added new tests (reopen, populate) and a new Validator class for checking
  integrity of local BranchImage and ScmResourceMap (internally and against
  the local Eclipse project.)

* First implementation of ResourceInput and ResourceOutput classes
(needed for artifact content I/O between Eclipse project and Scm repository).
  Not yet tested; this will occur during the next phase (implementing checkin/

ClientCore is very much still a work-in-progress; the original Eclipse model code (...stellation.scm.model) should still be used when building a usable Stellation CM client.

Next steps: testing artifact content I/O; implementing checkin and checkout support.

- Jim
Jim Wright, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
*** The Stellation project: Advanced SCM for Collaboration
*** Work Email: jwright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ------- Personal Email: jim.wright@xxxxxxx

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