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[stellation-res] Tagging checkins

Since we're aiming at creating a stable release next month, I'd like to
start being more careful about versioning and checkins. In order to make
things easier and more reproducible, I'd like all checkins to start
being tagged, so that bugs and fixes can be specifically identified
against the version of the system where they were discovered. 

I'd suggest a basic tagname of: userid-year-month-day-checkin,
where useris is a short personal identifier (I'm using mcc), year
month and day should be obvious, and checkin is an index to
differentiate between multiple checkins in a single day. (So, my
latest checkin is MCC-2002-11-11-v2, for my second tagged checkin
of the day.)


Mark Craig Chu-Carroll,  IBM T.J. Watson Research Center  
*** The Stellation project: Advanced SCM for Collaboration
*** Work Email: mcc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ------- Personal Email: markcc@xxxxxxxxxxx

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