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Re: [stellation-res] Progress on Windows port

On Sat, 2002-10-19 at 08:42, Jonathan Gossage wrote:
> I have been working on getting Stellation to work properly under Windows. I
> have completed the following tasks.
> 1. I have implemented Windows versions of the launchers and
> called svc.bat and server.bat respectively
> 2. I have modified the Ant build.xml file to support Windows installation
> and to remove any environment specific paths from the build.xml file. The
> Windows specific changes include separating out Unix and Windows targets for
> install-client,  install-server, and the internal target script. These
> targets now behave in a platform specific manner when preparing and
> installing the scripts used as launchers. The platform specific behaviour is
> invoked automatically depending on the platform Ant is running on.
> In addition I have removed all environment specific specifications and
> placed them into the Ant pre-processor batch file. On Unix this is
> "~/.antrc". On Windows this is %HOME%\antrc_pre.bat. I have prepared samples
> of these files for both platforms that define the environment sensitive
> information that was previously hard coded in the build.xml file.
> 3. I have developed a Windows batch file based analogue to the test scripts
> currently stored in org.eclipse.stellation.misc/tests/scm/misc and I have
> implemented the first two tests. During this process I discovered problems
> in the repository text merge support and I have created a bug report
> Bugzilla 25093 covering this problem. I also created a Junit test case that
> exhibits the problem and attached the relevant files to the bug report.
> Could someone please run this under Linux to determine whether this is a
> Windows only phenomem or not?

I'll try to do it later today. My in-laws are visiting, so
work time is a bit iffy, but I'll do my best to find an hour
or do where I can sit down, run the tests, and try to look over and
understand what's going wrong.

> 4. I noticed in a recent post that there is a plan to convert all the script
> based merge tests to Junit based tests. If this is the case, is there any
> benefit in proceeding with the conversion of the Unix based scripts to
> Windows based scripts.
> If you want to do this conversion to Junit and have not started it yet, I
> could do it for you because I need to be able to run these tests, and
> others,to be able to confirm the correctness of Stellation on Windows.

I've been asking to Dave to look into that, but I don't think
he's started yet. (We're kind of trapped in the middle of a huge mass of
deadlines...) I've been learning Florin's framework for running
command-line tests through JUnit,
and I think it's a decent starting point (although it
really needs some more documentation). 

I haven't been specifically porting over the script tests
to JUnit, but in the course of writing tests for the ACL 
support, I've been trying to expand Florin's test framework
to make it easier to write repository-specific tests (that is, tests
that operate directly against the repository, instead of going through
the command-line). If I can get that
working, I think we'll have a really solid framework for
writing a comprehensive set of tests that are much better
than what we have now: we'll be able to run repository-specific versions
of most of the current script
test, versions of the same tests that go through the command line code,
and independent tests of specific repository functionality that is hard
to target with script tests. 

Anyway... If you want to go ahead with some unit test
work, we would really appreciate it greatly. If Dave manages to get to
the test stuff, he can coordinate with you.


Mark Craig Chu-Carroll,  IBM T.J. Watson Research Center  
*** The Stellation project: Advanced SCM for Collaboration
*** Work Email: mcc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ------- Personal Email: markcc@xxxxxxxxxxx

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