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[spaces-dev] Re: IRC channel question...

Title: New Page 1
Well, it shows how little I understand IRC.  I thought that &spaces was the channel name because that's what Chatzilla told me the channel was when I used "Join a Channel". But now (thanks to Henrik) I see that the channel is really #spaces and that the url can just be irc:// , so I've updated the instructions.

Henrik Lindberg wrote:
I noticed that you show the url to the mainloop irc spaces channel as "&spaces" - is that a typo?
Or is it that the URL needs a &spaces in order to get to "spaces" which in turn references the channel "#spaces" - which means that when entering
the channel manually you need to refer to it as just "spaces" so the client can add the '#' ?
Confused... (Guess we need an IRC channel to support users getting in on the right irc channel :D )
(Now I am in on both channels - #spaces and &spaces)
Perhaps it is a good idea to clarify this on the spaces pages?
- henrik

[end of message]

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