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Re: [sequoyah-dev] Sequoyah and Native support

I have a pretty ugly hack to get the build running on Windows. The CDT really wants to run the same command on all hosts. So I created an ndk-build.exe that called bash for me and put it in the ndk root dir. If you come up with something better, that'd be awesome.

BTW, I wonder if we should create a sequoyah-android-dev list for Android specific discussions?


On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 5:01 PM, Carlos Souto <mkhv73@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I was playing with various configurations involving Eclipse/Android-ndk/Sequoyah and stumbled over a problem when I was trying to set things up on Windows.
The ndk-build command is a bash command. Therefore, to me, the obvious step to get it working was appending the cygwin's "bash" command before
the "build comand" project preference. It almost worked, but stuck in the Awk part.
Is there any other step that I am missing? I configured the environment Path and was able to invoke the "make" part correctly.
Everything worked like a charm and with minor tunings on my Mac box, but I am clueless on how to get it working on Windows.

PS.: the Android NDK Preference Page and Android NDK project preference page were created and are working nicely.  



On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 12:15 PM, Doug Schaefer <cdtdoug@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've did a major update to the Android plug-ins for the new r4. It now uses the ndk-build script and regular files. It looks great.

I've also simplified the choices at creation time. We can add them back in, but I'm not sure they're really necessary since they're fringe cases. That can be set in an file. A preference for the NDK location would still be great, though.

I've created an Android toolchain which you can see when creating C/C++ projects or manually converting Android Java projects. It automatically sets the build environment to point to the NDK location. Introducing the toolchain has uncovered another bug in CDT's scanner discovery. The include paths don't show up until you close and reopen the project or restart Eclipse. I'm busy working that over the next week.

I'll be diving into the new ndk-gdb next. It should be easy to hook up to CDT's GDB interface. We may want our own launch configuration though to simplify the launches. And customize them for the Android scenarios.


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 5:01 PM, Doug Schaefer <cdtdoug@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I just committed fixes to the Android native plug-ins and the CDT build plug-ins to enable scanner discovery to work properly. It picks up the include path properly now. w00t. Note you will need next week's CDT RC2 build to see that.

Clean-up of the wizard and adding prefs and properties would be appreciated. (Also find out why the NDK path isn't getting saved properly).

My next step will be to create a toolchain so that we can pass these values through the environment instead of hardcoding them in the generated makefile and to allow creation of normal CDT projects for Android. But that can be done in parallel.

Feel free to ask me any questions.


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 4:00 PM, Carlos Souto <mkhv73@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I have some questions regarding the support for Android Native code, in the 
scope of Sequoyah.

Is there any progress on the Android NDK support, other than what are already submitted to the Sequoyah trunk? 

I need some information on what is already done, what is planned to be done in a near future and what would be the desirable features to be included.
From what I saw, now it is possible to convert an Android project to comprise either the Java and the C/C++ nature, and with the help of a wizard, correctly configure the paths of NDK, source and so on. I was able to, with the automatic generated Makefile, accurately build a complete Android project with native libs. But, some fine tuning was needed. 

We are planning to improve the current workflow adding the following features:

1) Add to option to configure the general NDK parameters in the eclipse preference pages, saving
the work of, every time you try add the native support to a Android Project point out the NDK location

2) Add a page to the project preference pages where some parameters, like gcc version and platform
could be changed

3) Automatically resolve the includes, considering the chosen platform, so the Editor can accurately make the link between the files, avoiding the (?) quickfix warnings and allowing auto-complete features.

4) Improve the existing Wizard, giving some automation to some fields ( GCC versions, existing platforms, existing toolchains) and removing some redundant field (the ndk path is not supposed to be project-wise)

Anybody have any suggestion of features for the native support or disagree with any planned here?

Another question is if you are already adding the associated feature to the plugins that gives support for native code. Without it, the plugin can not be included in the nightly builds.


Carlos Alberto Souto Junior
MSc. in Electrical Engineering
Jr. Software Engineer

sequoyah-dev mailing list

sequoyah-dev mailing list

Carlos Alberto Souto Junior
MSc. in Electrical Engineering
Jr. Software Engineer

sequoyah-dev mailing list

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