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[qvtd-dev] Line Endings was: Branch merging

On 18/02/2015 18:10, Horacio Hoyos Rodriguez wrote:
Please ensure that all projects have explicit Unix, UTF-8
characteristics. Please ensure that all non-binary files are converted
to Unix/UTF-8 before committing. Unfortunately some model tools do not
get this right. If Windows files are accidentally committed, please
rework the offending commits.
Hi Ed,

This line ending is controversial. I remember we had tough discussions years ago. I recall the conclusion was: a) No use Windows2Unix git conversion in our local repositories (which I was using since I forgot to change) b) Let's use project specific settings and work always with Unix line endings.

From my point of view, the best option to avoid introducing windows line endings is using the Windows2Unix git conversion. I don't remember what was wrong with that and why we needed a) + b), but that could easily have been EGit deficiencies from the early tool quality.

The only theorical problem I see by setting that Windows2Unix conversion is that whenever we generate something in local which produces Unix line endings we will get undesired changes. For example, I've spotted options in which the Unix line-ending is used.

This is probably useful for our projects which try to work with Unix line-endings but that could be dreadful for others which expect to work with windows line endings.

- Forcing Linux line-endings in our tooling is bad.
- Trying to inspect corresponding project settings would be ideal, but probably difficult to handle since we normally work with URIs rather that the Eclipse IResource APIs.

I have the impression that if we deal with default XMIResource serialize options (i.e. no options), everything should just work as long as : c) We use the default Windows2Unix conversion when committing stuff to git (providing this is properly working) d) No specific project settings would then needed, they should happily work with OS defaults. So, a new file can be created with windows line-endings because they will be comitted to the git repo with the Unix one.

That said, and assuming that you might not like changing/adopting that. I've created some changes[1] so Mtc broker accepts some saving options, giving the client (in this case, my test cases) a chance to save as they prefer. In this way, I've set a couple of options so they are always serialised with UTF-8 enconding and Unix line endings.

[Update: The util is in the test cases infrastructure so they can be reused, and I've used the TestXMLUtil as you seem to prefer]


[1] Now: commit d53777b0c69e15dc20af7fa592e1e52fc461e1fc

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