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[ptp-user] Specifying remote include directories for remote build

I have a remote C project that I have created with my own makefiles. After 
I created it, the source files show up as I expected. However, in the 
xterm where I started the remote server/index process, I see a bunch of 
messages from the indexer complaining about unresolved symbol names, such 
as MPI_Comm (which is defined in /opt/ibmhpc/ppe.poe/include/mpi.h). If I 
open a source file in the remote editor, highlight a MPI_Comm then right 
click and select declarations, I get no matches. I think this is related 
to the error messages frm the indexer. 

I tried adding /opt/ibmhpc/ppe.poe/include to the remote include directory 
list in the project properties but that doesn't seem to help. One thing 
that I might be doing wrong is that the remote include path panel only 
gives me choices for Assembler, GCC. G++ and UPC while I am using xlc. 
When I created the project as a makefile project, I did not select a 
toolchain, because of the problems I had a couple months ago with remote 
project hangs, so I get whatever the default is.

Am I doing something wrong to cause the indexer to not find mpi.h?

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