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[ptp-user] Re: Problem starting the PTP resource manager

Hi Ken,

This version of the proxy only works with mpich2-1.0.6p1 due to variations in the mpd protocol. Also, it doesn't support debugging. I have a new proxy-less resource manager that I'm developing that should work with any version of mpich2 and also supports debugging. I'll make it available for testing after I get back from vacation next week.


Can somebody help?

I'm using Eclipse Ganymede with CDT 5.0.2 and PTP 2.1.0. I can build a simple parallel test program through Eclipse and run it from the command line of the remote shell. So far, so good. I'm running Eclipse on a Linux system (Red Hat Enterprise 5.0) and will be submitting jobs to run on my company's remote cluster - which is a collection of Linux and Sun systems.

Now, I'm trying to start an mpich2 resource manager in Eclipse/PTP so I can launch and debug my little test program through PTP. I've followed the steps I've seen in the PTP tutorials and think I've done it correctly. I've built the PTP proxy server and sdm parallel debugger according to instructions I've found in the PTP release notes. They look like some python files and the sdm executable:

I've configured the PTP proxy server to look at in the appropriate directory on the remote machine, but when I try to start the resource manager in PTP, it appears to hang up. If I invoke ptp_mpich2_proxy at the remote system command shell, I get the following result:

lngrd0001:bin> ./
/apps/jdk_1.5.0_15/bin:/apps/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/apps/mpich2-1.0.5p4/ bin:/apps/n1ge_6.1u4/bin/lx24-amd64:/usr/kerberos/bin:/tmp/ 455031.1.Llogin:/usr/local/bin:/apps/harris/bin:/usr/bin/X11

>>> ptp_mpich2_proxy: mpd_uncaught_except_tb handling:
exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getResult'
    ./  207  ptp_mpd_proxy
        if proxy.getResult() < 0:
    ./  1077  ?

First of all, is this the right way to start the resource manager? Does PTP expect to execute a Python script? And, doesn't it look like the script is encountering some sort of problem that's resulting in the apparent hang-up when trying to start the resource manager?

Thanks in advance,

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