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[ptp-dev] Cant debug mpi program using SDM (different MPI implementations)

Im trying to debug MPI program using SDM and Eclipse PTP. The problem is that I can debug simple MPI program using SDM when Open MPI 1.6.5 installed(parallel debug is working normally), but I cant debug simple MPI in newer Open MPI implementations. Im using MPI Pi C/C++ project for debugging.

SOFTWARE. Im using OpenMPI, Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers(Version: Kepler Service Release 2,Build id: 20140224-0627),ptp-master- (only for plugin installation), sdm-7.0.5. I used different Open MPI implementations: from Open MPI 1.6.4 to Open MPI 1.7(debug is working),from Open MPI 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 (sdm is running but I see only "operation in progress" window), in newer versions(Open MPI 1.7.5, Open MPI 1.8.1) I got  "operation in progress" window + "Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code.. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted." as program output

MPI installation. Im using sudo ./configure;sudo make all install to install OpenMPI, then I set MPI environment variables (LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PATH). Creating file in /etc/, filling it and calling ldconfig.

Then Im testing MPI,compiling SDM and launching Eclipse. Im creating MPI Pi C/C++ project, opening debug configurations(I run MPI programs locally), setting SDM path, path to application program. Then click on debug button.

Whats wrong? How to make SDM working?

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