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[ptp-dev] Displaying progress monitor dialog for a job

I'm working on bug 413192 and have the changes to run LSF commands as a job instead of on the UI thread mostly working. The one thing I cannot get working is getting the progress monitor to appear as a pop up dialog. Right now, I can click a list button in the resources tab of a LSF target system configuration and get a progress monitor appear in the progress view while the job is running. However, if I want to cancel the job, for instance if LSF is down and the command hung, I cannot cancel the job unless I close the run configuration dialog then cancel the progress monitor, since the run configuration dialog is modal.

I'd like to have the progress monitor appear as a popup dialog with a cancel button like I see elsewhere but I can't figure out how to make that work. I saw a web page that suggested calling Job.setUser(true) would do this but it is not working. I also tried setting the job priority to Job.Interactive and that did not help.

Does anyone have suggestions how to make this work?

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