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[ptp-dev] Synchronized Project Default Filter


we would like to have feedback on what you prefer the default filter is for PTP 5.0.5. John has added filtering to PTP which allows the user to select which files are excluded from synchronization. The filtering can be configured for new projects (either in the work-space settings or in the project wizard)  and for existing projects in the context menu. The question is what should the filter be, for a new user which hasn't changed any settings.

So far we agreed that .ptp-sync, .settings, .project and .cproject should be excluded by default. 
The open question is, whether we should exclude executable binaries by default. 

The full discussion is at: 
A short summary of the pros of each default setting:
Excluding executable binaries: 
- Faster Sync Time, Avoid (very) large .ptp-sync size
- No Merge Conflicts or overwriting of binaries if user uses both local and remote or two remote configurations
Including executable binaries:
- Getting feedback that binary was created in the Navigator
- Access for tools to binaries

We will make an extension point for plugins to change the default. So the question is only for what we want to be the PTP default setting.

What do you think is more important to most users? Because of the Tuesday deadline we can only consider feedback until Monday early afternoon.


ORNL/UT Center for Molecular Biophysics
865-241-1537, ORNL PO BOX 2008 MS6309

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