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[ptp-dev] Rephraser Engine in Helios builds

(To make sure everyone's in the loop... in Photran's section of the repository, we're maintaining a second feature, the Rephraser Engine, which contains some language-independent infrastructure for building refactoring tools.  We are using it in several different tools, but Photran is the only one that is public at the moment.)

On one of the previous PTP calls, we discussed keeping our Helios contributions as simple as possible, so we'd like to contribute a minimal number of features.  I completely agree.

In Photran's case, we discussed making the Rephraser Engine an "included feature," so it does not have to exist separately in the Helios update site.  I did that. Unfortunately, I missed this in the Platform documentation...
    "Nested features must be located on
    the same update site as this feature" it turns out that this doesn't solve the problem after all.

As I see it, we have only two options:

(1) add the Rephraser feature to the Helios site, maybe under General Purpose Tools (like DLTK), or

(2) include the Rephraser plug-ins in the Photran feature.

The problem with #1 is that I don't know if they want it in there or not.  The problem with #2 is that we're using those plug-ins in several tools; we can't make them all dependent on Photran (and thus CDT), so we would have to include those plug-ins in every tool... that's kind of a hack, and I wonder if p2 would even let you install two of our tools in that case...

Are there any other options?  Which seems like the best option?


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