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[ptp-dev] Questions about service contributor wizard pages

I'm trying to understand the structure of the services model and how I 
want to approach adding the wizard pages for the resource managers. It 
looks to me lika at the moment the configuration process is invoked from 
the Services->Launch Wizard menu selection on the Eclipse main menu where 
I end up on a HPC project configuration dialog page. That page has a 
configure button which I think is supposed to lauch the wizard pages for 
the service provider selected from the drop down and that configure button 
is enabled only if the code finds the correct instance of a class 
implementing IServiceProviderContributor.

That IServiceProviderContributor is responsible for obtaining the set of 
wizard pages for that service provider, and I need to implement an 
instance of that class for each of the resource managers. 

So I think I understand how the appropriate wizard gets invoked and gets 
the set of wizard pages.

I'm looking at the 
AbstractRemoteProxyResourceManagerConfigurationWizardPage class, which you 
suggested I modify to extend the ServiceProviderConfigurationWizardPage 
class, and which gets me the default wizard page that I use in configuring 
the PE and LoadLeveler proxies.

The initContents() method of that class currently gets an 
AbstractRemoteResourcemanagerConfiguration object  which I understand 
currently holds the attributes (host, path, etc) for the resource manager. 
I think that I now want to obtain an instance of the IServiceProvider, 
where I further think I want to extend the ServiceProvider class as a 
class (or set of classes) which hold the resource manager attributes that 
I need to save. 

The current initContents() method gets the config information from the 
wizard by calling getConfigurationWizard().getConfiguration(), so I think 
that I need to provide a method in ServiceProviderContributionWizardPage 
that obtains the instance of the ServiceProviderConfigurationWizard for 
the service provider, and that the ServiceProviderConfigurationWizard 
needs to implement a getConfigurationWizard() method that returns the 
IServiceProvider object for the service provider?

Am I on the right track with this? Has my thinking gone completely off the 
tracks and I've gotten lost somewhere?



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