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Re: [ptp-dev] on moab integration


On Jul 24, 2007, at 11:54 AM, Feiyi Wang wrote:

hi, folks -

Moab document says it can interface with both java and c, but looking into the API, I have two concerns:

- It doesn't have callback function to update node and job status, meaning if I want to update eclipse front, I have to probe periodically.
Is orte actively updating the front? how does it handle this?

ORTE gets it's information via callbacks that are generated only when state changes occur, which is much more efficient than polling. I'm not sure what Dave is doing for the PE case, but he might want to comment also.

Polling would probably be ok as long as you keep the frequency fairly low. This is going to be a tradeoff with the responsiveness you want to deliver to the user. You should also keep a snapshot of the state internally in your proxy so that you only need to send differences to Eclipse. That way you'll be able to minimize the load on Eclipse.

Does Moab have a tool to monitor status? How does that work?

- It is strange that I couldn't find API/structure to query system resource. Most API documented there are job related. One Moab developer suggested me to use their so-called "XML api", some C function will take a XML string, and return XML result, the same as you would get from their command line tool.

The issue with getting XML string *not* C structure is, I need to re-parse the result and set up the correct structure again. As a side note, these returned xml string can be very very large:

For example, on ORNL jaguar system with over 11000 nodes, to implement get_node_attributes(), a query to system yields 6.8M XML string, the worst of it is, *a single string* - so far it render Eclipse, Emacs, Gedit not responsive anymore when trying to load it. Even if I parse it right eventually, it feels so ugly, do you folks see this is a long term solution?

It sounds like this will generate a lot of overhead just parsing the string every time. Is there any way to only generate differences or do you just get a full dump every time?

You're going to be restricted by whatever API Moab provides. If it proves unworkable, then getting Moab to add a better interface might be one option.


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