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[ptp-dev] PTP 1.1 review advisory vote

Hello PTP folks,

It's been a week since we had the review call for the PTP 1.1 release, and it's time to close the advisory voting--please seeĀ

The recently revised Eclipse Development Process includes this provision (seeĀ for the details):

A successful advisory vote requires at least one +1 from each level of the Project's Leadership Chain.

I've checked the votes, and I didn't see a +1 vote from anyone in the project leadership chain. Until we have one, we can't count the review as being successful. I know that many of you might be here at EclipseCon this week, so I'll consider the vote to still be open until I hear from one of you that you have had a chance to cast the necessary +1 vote. Thanks!

Anne Jacko

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