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[polarsys-iwg] UML Generators Proposal Question


Just registered to this ML, in order to follow your discussions.
There I stumbled on the Archive about this thread.

I just wanted to ask, if you actually plan for:
* the UML Generators to also look into Xtext/Xpand/Xtend?
* Sphinx.
    used in ARTOP and EATOP already
Model repository and database persistance support based on CDO and MFT, which should help to scale for very big models
* ReqIF/ProR -
* Regarding "Scripting"  EASE -

The reason I ask (at least for Xtext/Xpand and Sphinx)?
* Several other projects like EATOP and ARTOP are going there
* AFAIK, Papyrus is already using it for their editors.
* I wonder, if Xtext DSLs can be written for each language and maybe also easier extended, e.g. different compiler addons for embedded compilers. I just wanted to remind you for reverse engineering to the different dialects/extension regarding void _interrupt MyISR(void) vs. interrupt void MyISR() vs. void MyIsr(void) _interrupt
        int @far / @near myVar;
        int myVar = 0 _at(0x0100);
        _inline vs. _inline_  vs. inline
        AUTOSAR like Compiler/Memory Abstractions

* And last but not least, maybe there is one times a less spread amount of projects doing the same over and over. A lot of subprojects exist now on Eclipse-Foundation, and several have gone with the wind, but other pop up again. I'm personally overwhelmed by all the different kinds of subprojects and solutions.

Regards, kessel

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