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[platform-webdav-dev] plugin cannot handle folders without etag

I am trying to get the webdav plugin to work with the latest slide beta release.
Apparently in slide (in contrast to webdav) does not provide an etag for
folders. (Note: AFAIK, this is legal for webdav)

This leads to the following problem:

  WebDavSubscriberResource. getRemoteSyncBytes()

fails with a TeamException, since slide returns NOT_FOUND for propfind (getetag) on folder resources.

I have tried to work around this issue, by simply returning null from the getRemoteSyncBytes method if the resource does not provide an etag, but unfortunatly I run into an assertion error in setBaseBytes()
by doing so.

Any ideas how to handle synchronization with folders/collections that do not provide etags?

What would be a clean way to integrate this into sychronization?


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