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Re: [platform-vcm-dev] CVS repository path doubled


We have a bug in 2.0.1 related to how repository sync information is stored
on disk. It is only relevant when Eclise is used in conjuntion with other
cvs tools. This bug has been fix in the 2.1 stream. You may want to get the
latest stable 2.1 build if you want to continue using external cvs tools.

Can I ask you why you use another CVS tool. Is there funtionality you
require that is not available in Eclipse?


                      Jos Warmer                                                                                                      
                      <J.Warmer@xxxxxxxxx>            To:      platform-vcm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                                           
                      Sent by:                        cc:                                                                             
                      platform-vcm-dev-admin@         Subject: Re: [platform-vcm-dev] CVS repository path doubled                     
                      09/24/2002 09:21 AM                                                                                             
                      Please respond to                                                                                               


      Eclipse 2.0.1   on WIndows XP
      JDK  1.3.1_01
      CVS server on Suse Linux 7.3

I did use another CVS tool (WinCVW) on the directory holding the Eclipse
Shouldn't I ....


At 08:58 AM 9/24/2002 -0400, you wrote:

>We've encountered similar problems in the past. In order to determine if
>they are related, could you answer the following questions:
>What version/build of Eclipse are you using?
>Did you ever use an external cvs tool on a directory that holds an Eclipse
>                       Jos
> Warmer
>                       <J.Warmer@xxxxxxxxx>            To:
> platform-vcm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
>                       Sent
> by:                        cc:
>                       platform-vcm-dev-admin@         Subject:
> [platform-vcm-dev] CVS repository path doubled
>                       09/24/2002 05:23
> AM
>                       Please respond
> to
>                       platform-vcm-dev
>Hi there,
>I have started to use Eclipse several weeks ago on a Java project.
>There is a problem with the path to the CVS repository on my project.
>The path I have given is   /cvs/repository
>During the first weeks this worked well. I could access the repository
>and commit changes.  At this moment each repository acces
>fails, because the repository path that Eclipse is using is wrong.
>instead of using
>               /cvs/repository
>It now tries to find the repository in:
>               /cvs/repository//cvs/repository
>All the settings that I can see within eclipse still have /cvs/repository
>asd the path.
>I have "fixed" the problem by creating a symbolic link from
>/cvs/repository/cvs/repository  to /cvs/repository on the CVS server.
>Although this works, I'd rather solve the real problem.
>Has anyone got the same problems or have any clue where to look
>for a solution.
>                        Jos Warmer
>Klasse Objecten         tel     : +31 (0)35 6037646
>Chalonhof 153           fax     : +31 (0)35 6037647
>3762 CT Soest           email   : J.Warmer@xxxxxxxxx
>The Netherlands         internet:
>platform-vcm-dev mailing list
>platform-vcm-dev mailing list

Klasse Objecten         tel     : +31 (0)35 6037646
Chalonhof 153           fax     : +31 (0)35 6037647
3762 CT Soest           email   : J.Warmer@xxxxxxxxx
The Netherlands         internet:

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