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[platform-vcm-dev] Need to use VCM heavily

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the bad subject, but couldn't find the right punchline for

I am currently writing a plugin for maven, which is a a project
management and comprehension tool (would be nice for the eclipse java
development too btw..) (see for
more details).

Since maven is heavily used in cvs projects and builds around 1 file
called project.xml, I am currently adding functionality to do a New-Team
Maven project. 
I want to do several things :
1. The current wizard of checkout project As, should only ask the
projectname and team specifics and not the other tabs. 
2. Add a popmenu item to the repository popupmenu saying checkout as
maven project and offer the same wizard as described at point 1.
3. From the File new, I should be able to do the same.
4. If 1, 2 or 3 are very difficult to achieve, is it possible to add
functionality after the checkout, since the project settings can be
completely extracted from the project.xml file, which is normally in the
root of the project.
5. I rather not change the VCM modules, since that needs your approval
too, and is easily breakable at the release rate eclipse is at.. 

Hope someone can give any hints on where to look for those extension
points (I looked and couldn't really find the solution to what I want)
and maybe a pointer to classes where I can have some example code and
which I have to use to get this done correctly. As every lazy
programmer, I like to reuse code, or just calling something that is
there, so if that is possible too, I am all ears ;)..


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