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Re: [platform-vcm-dev] How to use an already checked out cvs-project in Eclipse?


I misunderstood your post so let me answer it again. The Team 2.0 CVS
client does support virtual modules. However, the repositories view does
not show them yet and they have not been extensively tested. If you connect
a local directory that was the result of a checkout from a module defined
in the CVSROOT/modules file then you are playing in very dangerous waters
and are bound to see some strange things. I'm not trying to discourage you
so much as warn you that this is an area where we have not done a lot of

As for the appearance of the mysterious "CVSROOT/Emptydir", this is how CVS
identifies a local directory that has no corresponding remote directory but
contains sub-directories that are also shared with the CVS repository. The
sharing operation still succeeds and you can still work with the module. I
have entered bug 10156 (
to track this.

Michael Valenta

                      Sent by:                        To:      platform-vcm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                                            
                      platform-vcm-dev-admin@         cc:                                                                              
                                 Subject: Re: [platform-vcm-dev] How to use an already checked out cvs-project in 
                      22/02/2002 11:16 AM                                                                                              
                      Please respond to                                                                                                


We do not fully support the use of virtual modules yet. However, we plan
to. Please create a bugzilla report for this.

Michael Valenta

                      Bodo Teichmann

                      <bodo.t@xxxxxx>                 To:
                      Sent by:                        cc:

                      platform-vcm-dev-admin@         Subject: Re:
[platform-vcm-dev] How to use an already checked out cvs-project in

                      20/02/2002 07:16 AM

                      Please respond to


another thing:
when i click on Team->Share
 the "Connect Project to Repository" dialogue says

"module:    CVSROOT/Emptydir"

which is sort of strange, since the name of my moduel is, say "proj1"  and
it is defined in the CVS modules file. althought there is no "real" path
with the name "proj1" in the CVS repository, since it is a "virtual"
module, consiting of several other "real" CVS modules.


platform-vcm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx schrieb am 20.02.02:
> Hi,
> I tried this, and can see the update/commit/etc. CVS action in the Team
> but as soon as i try to update the project i get the error message
> "Resource /proj1 ist not child of project proj1"
> what does this mean and
> how do i make /proj1 a child of my project ?
> bodo
> >Hi Thomas,
> >First thing, although we aim to be compatible with the command line
> >(e.g. use your command line tool then refresh in Eclipse and keep
working) >we won't be testing these scenarios until at least the next
> >Now for your question, if you are already working on source in a CVS
>checked-out local workspace and would like to start working on this in
>Eclipse using the CVS plugin, just follow these steps:
> >1. create a new project (either Java or a simple project) and change the
>default location to point to you source.
> >2. Select the project from Eclipse and from the context menu Team >
Share >Project...
> >3. The CVS plugin will detect that the project is already checkedout to
a >CVS repo.
> >4. You should see the CVS actions in the Team Menu (e.g.
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