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Re: [platform-update-dev] eclipse installation site types cleanup

Hello Dorian,

Monday, April 12, 2004, 10:01:21 PM, you wrote:
[no extra eclipse folder]
> I too like this approach, but it breaks the 2.x specs.

How about changing the code to check whether the actual folder has a
eclipse/plugins and eclipse/features folder and if not looking for
features and plugins. That wuld even remain backward compatible

> It appears that
> having an eclipse folder leaves some room for things other than features 
> and plugins (at least that's one of the explanations I've heard).

Hm, AFAIR in PlatformConfiguration and the rest of the classes, which
are pulled in by the startup, nothing is done with the files next to
./eclipse. AFAIR the code checks whether there is a 'eclipse' folder
and in there the features and plugins dir. I'm not anymore sure,
whether the 'Site' objects are having the <path>/eclipse or <path>
as the root dir.

>> Another nice feature would be a 'root only updates', so that one
>> could update the site via the commandline updater, but not via the
>> normal user UI.
> You can already do this by having a shared install, and linking product
> extenstions using the "r" flag
> path=r /home/rootinstall
> Do you have a different usage scenario?

No. As long as I can do a commandline update in the shell for 'root
only' sites like ones in /usr/local/share/eclipse, I'm happy. And as
long as it won't touch /usr/share/eclipse, as thats package manager
managed :)


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